Bring your events

Bring your events

Crypto Events
Made Easy

Set up an event, invite your people and reward them.
Host a rewarding event today.

Set up a Online or IRL event, invite your people and all attendees get a POAP.
Build a community through events & content.

Create a…

Online or IRL event.

Automatically reward participants with on chain tokens & collectables.

Automatically reward participants with on chain tokens & collectables.

Woman using a mobile phone
Woman using a mobile phone

Social Wallet

Your social profile on urFeed is a crypto wallet.

Social wallet

Your social profile on urFeed is a crypto wallet.

Create content challenges. Unlock your IP with AR filters

Create content challenges. Unlock your IP with AR filters

We can bring NFTs to life with AR filters. Reward users for create content

We can bring NFTs to life with AR filters. Reward users for create content

Our project is….

Learn to Earn

Reward users for learning about projects, artists, music & more…

Learn to Earn

Reward users for learning about projects, artists, music & more…

Our project is…

Social video feed

Social video feed

Watch, share & download videos. Explore, discover and get entertained.

Create or join a community

Create or join a community

NFT communities, DAO's, like minded people, followers, fans, or a handful of friends can spend time together on urFeed. A place that makes it easy to talk, connect, share and have fun every day.

Your own private or public community to share videos, host live streams and reward your members.

Reward Loyalty

Reward Loyalty

Our in-built system can create or transfer POAPs for events, NFTs, or tokens directly to participants.